Friday, September 2, 2016

Dog days

Jody and the girls had an eventful start to Abi's dress up day for Book Week last week. It was all looking brilliant by school time; Abi was super happy with her "Harry the Dirty Dog" persona!

Because there's a new brick paved driveway under construction here the cars are all parked on the nature strip; which is not normally too much of a problem. 

However on this particular morning a local Harry (dog) had decided to do its steaming business right beside the car on the side where Abi gets in the car...except none of us noticed it until it was stepped in..all over the shoes (not on the hand painted costume luckily)....all over the leather seats...and the start of a happy day temporarily ruined!!!!

We're over it now..a happy Book Week for the girls, shoes and car are cleaned up, paved driveway completed and looking beautiful and cars returned to the garage......BUT be warned local dogs are still at large.

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