Friday, September 24, 2010


Ella and I really enjoy our special place on the hill above our house. There is an outcrop of big boulders that seem to inspire some very intense imaginary play. Ollie & Angus love to pretend that Spiderman lives there, but Ella and I love to play at being Cinderella and the Prince in our separate castles. This week Ella told me that the stepmother and stepsisters had died so that got rid of a few complications in the story, allowing us to focus on the more fun aspects of the Cinderella story. Our Cinderella and Prince had a pet cat called Jimmy Choo. They also have "sleep overs" and eat croissants together and have macaroni cheese for dinner.

Ella broke her arm two weeks ago (just a "small" break from landing the wrong way on a big trampoline jump) so some of her favourite games are very awkward at the moment. We had Rob's compact camera with us on the hill and she took a great sequence of shots of me. I could tell she was really using the viewing screen and pointing the lens to get the right shot!

This has been our best Spring in many years. The grass on the hill is almost knee deep and emerald green. The wattle is blazing yellow and Canberra dams are 79.1% full.

Even with a broken arm Ella is getting better and better at catching and throwing small balls.

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