Saturday, February 23, 2008

Of Grapes and Figs

We are enjoying an early taste of Autumn. La Nina has brought us worthwhile rain this summer and lower than normal maximum temperatures. There is a theory that interest rates are always lower under a Liberal government and rainfall higher under a Labor government!

There is feeling of abundance around, not evident in the past 6 years of drought. Purple (black genoa) figs are all but finished in the commercial orchards north of Canberra but just starting to ripen in cooler Canberra backyards. I have spotted the best overhanging fence trees on our walks to the Farmers Market on Sunday mornings. I reckon the first figs will be just about ready tomorrow morning.

Grapes have been sugar sweet and amply available for weeks. Miss E is a joy to watch as she demolishes a bowl of her favourite seedless green grapes.

She loves being on her feet, walking with support, almost as much as eating a bowl of grapes.
Nellie's kennel is just the right height for walking around.
Plants are to be sniffed (by blowing out through the nose).

Her tiny feet are ready for making giant steps in this world.

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